Monday, November 19, 2012

Year End Gift Offering - Alex's House

I shared last week that it is time for Hub City's 2012 Year End Gift Offering. We've set a goal of $6000, which is insane, I know. 

And what's really crazy is that whatever we give to the Year End Gift Offering is going to projects outside of Hub City Church. That's right, we're giving it all away! All 100% of it.

So what's it going to? Well, 60% of it is going to Alex's House Orphanage in Haiti. 

We are privileged to partner with Alex's House through monthly financial giving (5% of our regular tithes and offerings goes to them each month). We also send teams to Haiti on a regular basis (we've got a trip March 16-23 and August 3-10, we have a spot for you).

But this year we're going to go a step further and contribute 60% of the Year End Gift Offering to Alex's House. What will that money go towards? I copied this graphic from their website to give you a glimpse of what your Year End Gift contributions will do in Haiti.

So, what are you going to give this year? Be generous. Your gift will make a huge difference in the lives of some Haitian orphans.

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