Monday, October 04, 2010

What God taught me at Disney - part 1

As some of you know, my family went to Disney last week. First off, if you're planning a trip to Disney, go in September. The crowds were super-low. We got to ride everything with almost no line and most rides we got to ride over and over again. That's my kind of trip to Disney.

Well, going to Disney I was expecting to have fun with my family. I wasn't expecting to have God teach me a lesson or two. But you know God. He uses all kinds of stuff to teach us. I'll share one right now and another in a future post.

The first thing God taught me is something that I have to learn over and over and over again. See, we were at Disney over a weekend, which meant that I missed out on Hub City's worship gathering. I trust Frankie to take care of things while I'm gone, so I wasn't all that worried. But walking around Epcot God, wondering how things were going, God said, "It's My church, not yours. Forget about it."

I need to be reminded of that every day. It's Jesus' church. I'm just the under-shepherd. God doesn't need me, but he's allowed me to pastor Hub City. I love what I do. But it's his. It's a gift.

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