Friday, July 06, 2007


Today I'm spending some time working on the text for the door-hangers that we're going to hang out on the weekends of August 18 and 25. Here's what I've got so far... and I float these ideas out there for some constructive criticism and insight.

Door Hanger #1:
Front: Church for people who like to sleep late.
Logo, web site
Back: The Point meets on Sunday night @ 6 PM
Creating a come as you are church
Logo, web site, phone #
Map, address
Door Hanger #2:
Front: Warning: No Perfect People Allowed
Logo, web site
Back: A new series beginning Sept. 9
sermon titles and dates
logo, web site, phone #
map, address

What am I missing? Any ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's one for folks who really don't even like the word "church." Aren't those the folks you want to meet, anyway?


Got Wine? (maybe, "so does god" or something like that).

Date and location of wine and cheese tasting on a Sunday night, of course, milk and cookies for the kids. (You can grab some cheese from Publix and could make it a BYOW - bring your own wine - event).

Something about the Point, and a bible verse about wine.

Very unconventional, I realize, but my two cents nonetheless. :)