Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Take responsibility for ONE

I have a challenge for my fellow Jesus followers, especially for those of you who are a part of the Hub City Church family.

I challenge each of you to take responsibility for one person over the next year. That responsibility includes sharing with them the love of Jesus, introducing them to Jesus, walking with them as they become a follower of Jesus, and then helping them become an active part of your local church (Hub City Church, if you're a part of the fam).

In fact, you can start this week. What if you took responsibility for bringing one person to our worship gathering on Sunday who's not got a worship gathering of their own?

I read a just released study this week that said 53% of those who aren't in church are willing to visit a church the Sunday before Christmas if someone will just invite them. 

We have a responsibility, as followers of Jesus, for the people God has put around us. I know that we can't force someone to follow Jesus. But we can do our part: Showing the love of Jesus, inviting them to follow Jesus, and inviting them to experience Jesus with your church family.

To not do this says something about our hearts. And what it says isn't good.

We all have excuses: My circle of friends is too small. I don't know people who don't know Jesus. I'm not sure what I'll say. 

Almost all of our excuses come from a place where we're trusting in our abilities. Don't trust in yourself. Trust in the One who can open doors and prepare hearts. Trust in the One who wants people to know Him.

So, are you in? Challenge issued. Let it start this week.

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