Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My story is better than yours

So, Levi threw up all night. Fun. So, Liz decided to stay home for a while this AM with him. Well, she got a call that there was a fire at her office building, so she couldn't go into the office and is getting to work from home (like me!).

Vomit and fire. I dare you to top that today.

PS. Green beans make for really disgusting vomit.

PSS. Levi just said, "It's fun to throw up." He doesn't get that from me.


Anonymous said...

Ok, that's just nasty.
For once, I do NOT have a story to top that.
We are having a very uneventful day today AMEN. (gotta have one every now and then!)

Jonathan Everette said...

And i didn't even share the really nasty stuff. Levi was feeling better so Liz took him to target for a few things. He'd kept down some food, so she bought him an icee. Great idea... until the ride home.

He vomited red icee all over himself and our new van all the way from Target to our house. Fun. Fun. Fun... at least icee vomit doesn't smell too bad.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. Thanks for that.
Our kids are in the same classes at church.
None of my kids make it to the bathroom to vomit yet.
Puke is probably the thing I handle worst in life. I realllly hope we don't get it! Yuck.

Jonathan Everette said...

It's a good thing my boys weren't at church on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Oh duh.
Should've had a V8.