Thursday, February 27, 2014

This Sunday at Hub City Church

I am super-excited about this coming Sunday at Hub City. I hope you've heard by now, but we're going to be showing Son of God as a part of our worship gathering. This unique opportunity will set the stage for our next series and it is a great time for you to invite your unchurched friends. Here is some important info about Sunday.

  • We are having one, combined worship gathering at 10:30.
  • Concessions open up at 10 for you to get your popcorn fix. 
  • Come early to make sure you get a good seat.
  • The gathering will be structured like our regular worship gatherings. We'll sing, do a welcome, sing some more and then show the movie in place of a sermon.
  • We want you to invite your unchurched and non-Christian friends. Let's leverage this unique opportunity to expose as many people as we can to Jesus. In fact, if you are reading this and you're not a Christians. I promise not to do anything to manipulate you or ask you for money. We would be honored if you would just be our guest on Sunday. 
  • Spread the word. There are graphics on my Facebook page as well as the Hub City Facebook page. Feel free to use and share.
  • Pray for Sunday. I don't want us to just watch a movie together. I want us to encounter Jesus.
Here's the movie trailer. Just watching it moves me.

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