Monday, February 17, 2014

The first appointment of the day

One of my favorite Bible characters is a guy by the name of David. David was the youngest of seven sons and was relegated to taking care of the family sheep while his brothers were doing the "big boy" stuff, but one day a prophet by the name of Samuel shows up and anoints this baby brother/shepherd as the future king of Israel.

It's really a cool story. You should read it sometime. 

But the one thing I find most intriguing about David is his relationship with God. We're lucky enough to get a glimpse into his relationship with God in the Psalms. He wrote out so many of his prayers, and they've been preserved for us to read in this incredible collection.

I think that at the root of David's relationship with God is something he recorded in Psalm 5:3.

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

Think about it. Here's a guy who was the King of Israel. He's busy. He's got a kingdom to run. He's got fires to put out. He's got problems to solve. He's got a complicated family situation. He's carrying the weight of a nation.

But first thing, every morning, David made it a priority to spend time with God in prayer.

If David could make this a priority in his life then I think we're without excuse.

The first appointment of our day should be with God. What's keeping you from making the commitment that the first thing you do every morning be time with your Heavenly Father? 

Let's follow the example of David: In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

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