Monday, March 21, 2011

Financial Resources

As I mentioned in yesterday's sermon, there are a ton of resources out there that can help you handle God's money wisely, get out of debt and learn to save. Here are some I've found very helpful:

Financial Peace - Dave Ramsey
Total Money Makeover - Dave Ramsey
Your money counts - Howard Dayton (best book I've read on the issue)


Anne Elizabeth said...

I have a copy of Total Money Makeover if anyone in the church would like to borrow it to save the money from having to purchase one. LOVE Dave Ramsey!

Anne Elizabeth said...

I have a copy of the Total Money Makeover if anyone in the church (or you know) would like to borrow it -- that may help save the $$ from having to buy it although I LOVE that book and Dave Ramsey's suggestions on how to manage your $kittles! :)

Jonathan Everette said...

Anne, thanks for the offer.

Jaimee Holmes said...

We LOVE Dave Ramsey! He was a huge influence and help to us in going no-credit, avoiding bankruptcy and paying off our debts. You can also find a lot of free resources on his website Did you know he also advocates learning to shop with coupons to lower your grocery budget and bring down household expenses to a minimum? Yes, COUPONS. I'd like to think my website is helpful in that area... : )