Wednesday, February 17, 2010


In The Forgotten Ways, Alan Hirsch defines a church like this:

  1. A covenanted community – a church is formed not by people just hanging out together, but ones bound together in a distinctive bond. There is a certain obligation toward one another formed around covenant.
  2. Centered on Jesus – He is the new covenant with God and he thus forms as the true epicenter of an authentic Christ-ian faith…A covenant community centered around Jesus participates in the salvation that he brings. We receive the grace of God in him. But, more is required to truly constitute a church.
  3. A true encounter with God in Jesus must result in…

  4. Worship, defined as offering our lives back to God through Jesus.
  5. Discipleship, defined as following Jesus and becoming increasingly like him (Christlikeness)
  6. Mission, defined as extending the mission of God through the activities of his people.
So, what do you think? How are we @ Hub City doing?

1 comment:

Jaimee Holmes said...

I think we are "becoming..." Never right where we should be, but overall, as a Body, moving in that direction. I think because the church is so dependent on each person giving 100%, and because we are all human beings, and because discipleship and all it's messiness is so key... we take steps back and then pick up and dust off and move forward some more... breathing a little more deeply, living a little more loudly. Hub City is definitely organism, and not organization. I love what we are becoming. It's such a beautiful process.