Monday, January 24, 2011


I'm sure you never think about this topic but it's something I think about every week. Here it is: What make for a great Sunday?

Sunday's for me revolve around church stuff. There's early morning sermon review, the worship gathering, talking with the church family, contacting folks that were absent, reviewing for Hub Group, having Hub Group... it's a busy day. And I usually have what's been titled a "holy hangover" from Sunday.

Yesterday, in my opinion, from my perspective, was a really good day. I started contemplating this AM about what made yesterday good. Here's my list so far:
  • We had seven first time guests. Having new people always pumps me up.
  • Two of those people ended up going to someone's Hub Group last night! Getting new people connected to Hub Groups is huge for me and for our mission at Hub City.
  • People laughed a few times during the sermon.
  • I was able to speak without looking at my notes too much. I know that's lame, but it's always a goal of mine.
  • I was able to have some really good conversations with people.
  • The theater looked really full. I'm not crowd focused but I believe we've got something that's worth being a part of and I don't want anybody to miss out.
  • The outreach project sponsored by the Guerrilla Lovers team that made Valentine's for kids in the hospital. It was so cool seeing so many people participate.
  • Another good offering. We're not about money. I hope you know that. But what you do with money indicates where your heart is at. Also, it takes money to do ministry.
  • GREAT discussion and participation in our Hub Group.
  • Seeing people step up in leadership roles (i.e. Kevin in leading this spring's Garage Unsale).
  • Having someone else tell the story in Hub Group. Stephanie did an awesome job.
Those are a few reasons why yesterday was good.

BTW: Our new banner is up outside the theater! Pray that God will use that to allow us to reach and disciple more and more people.

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