Let me ask you a question. If you were to
list out your top five priorities, what would they be? Here’s another: If an
outside observer were to come and do an inventory of your life, what would they
say your priorities are? What about your values? Here’s another question: How
do you figure out what your priorities are supposed to be? We live in a culture
of misplaced priorities. That’s why it’s so important to nail down our
identity, who we are, because what we believe about who we are is going to
shape what we do.
We’re going to see that this morning as we
look at a story of a guy who knew who he was, and he let who he was impact how
he lived, even though it could have cost him his life. If you have your Bible
I’d like for you to open to Daniel 1.
Let me give you some background. In the year
605 BC, 605 years before the birth of Christ, God was fed up with the nation of
Israel for all their disobedience and rebellion so he allowed King
Nebuchadnezzar, who was the king of Babylon, to invade Israel and they pretty
much destroyed the nation. Nebuchadnezzar went into Jerusalem and took over the
capital city, and as the Babylonians were accustomed to do, rounded up the best
and the brightest of the young nobility, the young men from noble families, and
brought them back to Babylon.
Now four of the young men he brought out are
very famous men, and if you grew up in Sunday school you’ve heard their names
before. They are Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. So that’s where the
story begins, and we’re going to begin this morning reading in verse 3:
Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to
bring in some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility- 4
young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every
kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in
the king's palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the
So here’s the set-up. One of these young men,
as we’re about to see, is a guy by the name of Daniel. Daniel finds himself in
a foreign culture. He’s probably a teenager, anywhere from 13 to 17 years old.
It’s hard to imagine. His family is probably dead. He’s been taken out of his
homeland, marched across two deserts all the way to Babylon and now he’s a
slave. They’ve given him a different haircut, different clothes. They’ve given
him different jewelry. They possibly pierced his ear to show that he is a
slave. They’ve given him a different name. They’re teaching him a different language,
a different literature. All in an effort to change his identity from who God
says he was to who they said he was. Culture was attempting to reshape his
5 The king assigned them a daily amount of food and wine from the
king's table. They were to be trained for three years, and after that they were
to enter the king's service.
6 Among these were some from Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.
6 Among these were some from Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.
Now let me stop here because at first glance
this looks like a great deal. These guys get to eat food and drink wine from
the king’s table. And it is a big deal, just not for the reasons we might
think. In that particular culture, the food that was served to the King, was
first offered to the idols. With the idea being that since this food was first
offered to the gods, that anyone who ate this food or drank this wine, would
get the strength and the wisdom of the gods. So consequently, anyone who ate
this food or drank this wine, as they rose up to positions of power, the credit
was given to the gods for whom these meals represented.
So Daniel, in his teenage mind, is faced with
a dilemma: He can either do what he feels like God would have him do as an
Israelite, which would be abstaining from the King’s food and wine, or he can
do what he feels like the king would have him do. But he can’t have it both
ways. He can say, “God, I realize that to eat this food is to defile myself, go
against who you say I am, and to refuse to recognize you as God, but I’ll tell
you what. I’m going to go ahead and eat it anyway and ask that you give me
grace and forgiveness.” His other option is to say, “I’m going to obey God and
hope that the king will be gracious and forgiving.”
Now which way would you go? I mean where are
you more likely to find grace and forgiveness? If you opt to obey God there could
be an immediate consequence to your decision. The king, as we’ll find out in a
minute, could have your head for disobedience.
But if you go ahead and obey the king and ask
for grace on God’s side there may not be any immediate consequence. Nothing may
happen at all. God may never bring it up again. You might just go on my merry
So here’s his dilemma. Daniel had to decide,
in light of who he is, what is he going to do, who was he going to be loyal to?
Who was he going to prioritize: His heavenly father or his earthly king. He
couldn’t have it both ways. That was his dilemma. Look at what Daniel does:
8 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.
This is an incredibly bold action. Daniel
draws the line and says that’s it. That’s as far as I go. You’ve tried to remove
everything Hebrew from me. But I know who I am and you are not going to take
away is my commitment to my God.
Now why would Daniel make this decision? Why
would he resolve not to defile himself this way?
I think it’s because Daniel knew who he was. He
also knew who God was. And he knew who he was in light of who God was, and that
impacted every area of his life.
There are three things that come out of this
story that I think have incredible applications to us as we set priorities to
live out who we are. The first one comes from verse 8. Did you notice what
Daniel did up front before he knew how the story was going to work out? Before
he knew that everything was going to work his way? Before he knew if he would even survive physically? The Scripture
says that Daniel resolved, he “made up
his mind.” That means he
decided up front, “I am not going to compromise who I am for the sake of
pleasing a pagan king. I’m just not going to do it. I don’t know how it’s going
to work out. I don’t know if I’ll survive. Before I know any details. Before I
know how the story is going to end. Before I even know how I’m going to
approach this.” It says he “resolved in his heart, he made up his mind, I will
not defile myself.”
1. Decide up front who you are and what your priorities are going
to be.
You’ve got to decide that you’re going to let
who God says you are define your priorities. That takes courage. Either you
decide your priorities or someone else will.
There’s something else that comes out of this
story and this is the part that we can’t factor in. Look what happens after
Daniel makes up his mind. Start with verse 8 again.
But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and
wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this
So he goes to the chief official, the guy
that’s supposed to train him and says, “Um, I’d like to be an exception. I mean
I know you’ve been doing this for years. I know you’ve herded hundreds of
people through this program, but could I have a pass.” Imagine the fear going in to that
conversation. Verse 9: Now…. What’s the next word? Now…God. Isn’t that great?
Now God…. Not before.
9 Now God had caused the official to show favor and sympathy to
2. Now God…. You see, what you don’t know is what God is able and willing
to do in your life once you get your priorities straight. Now God. When you get
your priorities straight you open the door for God to work supernaturally on
your behalf.
The last thing that comes out of this story
is very practical. Look what
happens next:
Now God had caused the official to show favor and sympathy to
Daniel, 10 but the official told Daniel, "I am afraid of my
lord the king, who has assigned your food and drink. Why should he see you
looking worse than the other young men your age? The king would then have my
head because of you."
This is a life and death issue we’re dealing
with, but look at verse 11. This is brilliant:
11 Daniel then said to the guard whom the chief official had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, 12 "Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see." 14 So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days.
You know what the third thing is I love in
this story?
3. Trust God enough to put him to the test.
They said, God, we trust you so much that we’re
going to put you to the test. I know they were talking with Ashpenaz, but they
were really exercising their faith.
If you were sitting across the table from me
and you were to tell me your story and you’d tell me I couldn’t really
understand this, I’m just a pastor, here’s what I’d say to you. Why not put God
to the test? Give God a month. Just a month. Take 30 days and say for 30 days
I’m going to let who God says I am define those priorities and rearrange my
life accordingly. Then at the end of the 30 days evaluate. I dare you.
So I want to challenge you to give him a
month. That is for one month you
let who God says you are determine your priorities.
I believe God will show up in your life. And
that’s exactly what happened with Daniel and his three friends.
15 At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. 16 So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead.
17 To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.
18 At the end of the time set by the king to bring them in, the chief official presented them to Nebuchadnezzar. 19 The king talked with them, and he found none equal to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah; so they entered the king's service.
Now God. We’re dealing with God. This isn’t
luck or hocus pocus. This is a principle.
And God honors those who honor him.
So where do you start? It begins with you
determining your priorities. And here’s how I’ve done it.
My relationship with God.
My relationship with Liz
My relationship with my kids.
My physical health.
My job.
So here’s your homework: Set your priorities
according to who God says you are, and then live by those.
A resource I would highly recommend is Andy Stanley's book, Choosing to Cheat. It's an easy read that is immensely practical.
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