Thursday, January 16, 2014

Facing your Fears

Last Sunday at Hub City we were introduced to a literal lion chaser by the name of Benaiah. He’s a guy who defied the odds, chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day and killed it.

This week we’re going to continue with our Lion Chaser series by talking about fear. Fear is something that every person with skin on deals with. None of us are immune to fear. It’s an ever-present part of life.

But we’re going to discover a few things about fear this coming Sunday. We’ll learn that our fears are learned, which means they can be unlearned. We’ll see how fear comes from our Enemy and not from God. And we’ll be challenged with this main thought: Lion Chasers don’t run away from things that scare them.

I want Hub City to be a church of Lion Chaser and that means we’re going to have to stare fear in the face and chase it down.

See you Sunday at 9 or 10:30. 

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