This coming Sunday is Mother's Day. (Stop what you're doing write now and go buy your mom a card). Well, since it's Mother's Day we're going to do something we've never done at Hub City before. We're going to have our first ever baby/child dedication.
I'm excited about this because it give us an opportunity to remind everyone that church is a family. And because we're family we're all in this together.
What that means is that it's the church's job to partner with parents to help them disciple their kids.
God never intended for us to be alone in our parenting. The church family should be a partner to parents. We all need help. I know I do.
This past week has been a trying one around the Everette home. Parenting is hard. Yesterday was an especially tough day. But at Hub Group last night someone said something to Liz and I that was so encouraging and helpful.
That's how it should be. That's what we're going to remind ourselves of this coming Sunday.
PS. If you have a baby/child and would like to participate please let me know soon! I promise not to make you give a speech.
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