I don't know if this makes sense out of context, but I thought it was a great quote that really expresses my heart for Hub City.
The purpose of the church is to mobilize a people to accomplish a mission. Yet we seem to have turned the church as a troop carrier into the church as a luxury liner. We seem to have organized ourselves, not to engage in battle for the souls of people around the world, but to indulge ourselves in the peaceful comforts of this world. - David Platt
I get it. I do. And maybe I'm just being difficult (there's a first time for everything), but I don't like the way that reads. Like the "church" is somehow separate from the people and that it is somehow responsible for our well-being... It's just kind of odd, that's all. Disturbing. And maybe it's not even the way it's written so much that bothers me, but that it has become true of Christianity.
What this is saying to me is that most members in a church hide behind the walls of the church. They stay busy doing all kinds of things together but never leaving the comfort of other believers. Our purpose as christians is to lead people to Jesus we cant do this if we are hiden. Think about where Jesus was at all the time. We should be out in the world leting people know what they need to know to ensure there salvation.
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