Monday, September 21, 2009

Prayer Challenge

I was thinking that we need to start Year Two at Hub City Church out right, so I want to issue out a little challenge to all the Hub City Slickers. Actually, it’s a big challenge. Are you ready for it? Here it is:

Would you take 10 minutes out of your day, every day, to pray for Hub City Church? Would you carve out 10 minutes of your day, maybe on your lunch break or maybe as you drive to work or maybe right before bed, to pray for Our church?

Now you may be asking: What in the world would I pray about for 10 minutes every day? Here’s an example what I’m talking about. Would you pray these sort of prayers:
  • That God will bless Hub City and do something so supernatural in and through us that only He can get the credit.
  • That God will give us greater influence and favor in our community and around the world.
  • That God’s hand will be upon us and that there will be evidence of his grace (like there was at the church in Antioch in Acts 11:23).
  • That God will protect us from discouragement, distraction and disunity. That we will be encouraged by his work in our lives and through our lives, that we’ll be focused on making disciples who make disciples, and that we’ll be united, of the same heart and mind.
  • That Hub City will grow, and that our growth will come primarily from the harvest or by conversion growth (not just from church hoppers/shoppers). That many people would become disciples of Jesus.
  • That God will meet our financial needs in abundance so that we can be more and more generous as a church.
  • That God will grant us wisdom and courage and grace.
  • If there’s time left over, pray by name for the people in your Hub Group.

These are things that I pray on a regular basis, but I’m not nearly as regular as I’d like to be. I’m working to set aside 10 minutes (minimum) a day to pray for Hub City. Will you join me in that prayer?

If so, will you message or email me back with your commitment? I’d love to know who’s praying with me.

One more prayer item: We are going to pray together every Sunday at 9:15. I’d love for you to join with us. Show up a bit early to pray.

Here’s what I know. No movement of God has ever come about without prayer. I want to see God move in an unexplainable, supernatural way. The first step is prayer. Let’s pray! Are you in?


Jaimee Holmes said...

I will. I'm printing this post out and pasting it in my new notebook. I'm doing my Bible study time from 8-8:40am now, so Hub City prayers from 8:40-8:50am! Just want you to know I'm serious, it's important to me and I have a plan!

Jonathan Everette said...

That's awesome. It's an encouragement to me that you're the first person to contact me about being all in.

Joey Rogers said...

I will be praying each day for you and your church.

Jonathan Everette said...

Thanks Joey. I appreciate it.

Kaye said...

Although I am not attending Hub City Church, I am a prayer warrior for the church so, I copied down your prayer list and plan on praying over it every day. Everyone needs prayer!