Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Move out of the ghetto

This is one of the parenting books I'm reading this year in my attempt to read at least 4 parenting books by January 1. It was recommended by Vince. I'm just in the intro, but quotes like these get me excited:

The Christian subculture we have chosen to raise our children in might precondition them to spiritual apathy or antagonism.... You may have unwittingly taken up residence inside an evangelical ghetto, thinking it somehow offers a safer and healthier environment in which your children can develop their relationships with God. It doesn't. My hope is, if that is your case, this book will help you move out of that ghetto and take up residence closer to the front lines of the battle for the cross.

That's good. I want my kids to be missionaries. I want my family on the front lines of the battle for the cross.

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