I'm really pumped about Easter. We're starting a series on Easter that we're calling What's so Great About Christianity?
We're going all out for this series. Heck, it's our first Easter as a church! We get to celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection. In light of that, we NEED to celebrate.
So here's what we're doing: We're about to outgrow the theater that we currently meet in, so we're going to be moving to a larger theater (I think it will be #8... still @ Spartan 16). Frankie's putting together a series of videos that will be flat-out hilarious (all I can say is if Jesus made a sitcom...). The band is taking the next two Sundays off to get ready (we're going acoustic for the next two weeks... nice!). We're gearing the entire series to people who aren't Christians or who don't like Christians or who think Christianity is a waste (so for this series we won't be doing communion each Sunday).
But here's the deal: I'm scared to death! I am confident that God wants us to move to a larger theater... so is the rest of our team. I'm confident that it's time for us to do a series like What's so Great About Christianity? I'm confident that we need to do everything we can to invite people who are far away from God, disconnected from God or who think Christianity is a bunch of crap.
But what if it's a total flop? What if nobody comes to know Jesus? What if every single one of our invitations falls flat? What if nothing supernatural takes place?
You know what? All of my worries and concerns are about things that I have NO control over. I can't save anyone. That's God's job. I can't make people accept my invitation. That's their job. I can't force God to move. He moves when He wants for His glory, not mine.
All I can do is my part... and I'm going to work my butt off to do my part, and I want to challenge you to work your butt off to do your part. And just like Jonathan in the Old Testament, "Perhaps the Lord will move on our behalf." Wouldn't that be awesome!
I'd love to loan you this CD-ROM (see link at end of post) to help with Easter activities if you want. We've done this before at my church for a Friday night Easter service and it was powerful. It's NOT just for teens (like the description says), but for anyone who benefits from a multi-sensory worship experience.
I think it's cool that you trust us to bring people. We are going to attempt to drag/bribe/cajole my brother to the easter service I think... If he can only make it to one service, would that be a good one? He lives a couple hours away...
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