Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stop praying and act

OK, so I know this is going to upset someone, but I got this new book from Mark Batterson, Wild Goose Chase. I'll be doing a review on Tuesday, but I read something today that I really wanted to post about. We pray too much sometimes. I'm not saying we shouldn't pray, but so often prayer becomes an excuse for action. We know God wants us to do something or we see a need that we could meet or we see some God-thing that we could be involved with and instead of being the answer to the prayer (because somebody else is praying) we pray as an excuse to not get involved (ie. We meet all kinds of people who are "praying" about whether or not to be involved in our church plant, when they have so many gifts and abilities that they could contribute to a church plant that I feel like God is screaming for them to get their minds off of themselves and do something outlandish, crazy and helpful by joining a new church's team). So what do you need to stop praying about? Stop praying and get to work. Wouldn't it suck to get to the end of your life and realized you missed out on all kinds of divine opportunities because you were praying when you should have been acting?

1 comment:

pat gillen said...

I just posted the same thing... although I didn't read the book (McManus' Seizing your divine moment caught me on this a few years ago)