Friday, May 09, 2008


Somebody must be playing games with me because since our web site went live one week ago we've had over 13,600 hits. We've had over 7,000 hits since yesterday. I need to give credit to God. May he be glorified, made famous, and shown clearly through Hub City Church. May he draw thousands to himself and may we make disciples (people who hear from God and do what he says).

Pray for good weather for May 17!


William Bryant said...

Jonathan, I keep hearing great things about your new planting and saw the posters at Miracle Hill the other day. I've been keeping up with things ever since I left the point. I'm glad you didn't give up, and I think God has shown himself through that. Now, if you EVER need any toilet paper, there's still many boxes in my basement!
--William Bryant

Anonymous said...

so excited to read the progress and see such a great article written in the paper there... praying for you guys a lot this week as the first MITP approaches