Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I'm not a fan of being busy, but the past two weeks I have been "good" busy. So much is happening right now with Hub City Church. God has sent momentum our way and I'm just trying to keep up. You can pray for us. Pray that I'll have wisdom and discernment. Pray that with all that's going on I'll focus on the most important things.

I can't say enough awesome stuff about our Launch Team. They are helping carry this load in an amazing way. I am so thankful to be on this journey with them. You guys are AWESOME!!! We couldn't do this without you and ALL that you are doing.

Speaking of the Launch Team, we are having a Vision Casting deal this Sunday night. We're looking for more missionaries to join with us in creating a relevant church that 20 and 30 somethings want to be a part of. I'll post details soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey man,

Just been surfing the net and thought I'd say hi.
I'm a youth pastor in New Zealand (bottom of the world) and am keen to speak to other leaders and youth workers to find out different keys on youth ministry.

Anyway, hope you're well and God is doing awesome stuff with you guys.

Cheers, Rhys

Cliff Marshall said...

Sounds like things are getting more exciting for the future of Hub City everyday! I'm praying for you, keep up the good work.