Thursday, August 30, 2007


I'm almost finished reading A contrarian's guide to knowing God: Spirituality for the rest of us by Larry Osborne. This is a great read that will stretch your conventional thinking... in a good way.

I was so blown away by his chapter on Faith. I'll read that chapter again and again. I think we often confuse faith with wishful thinking or vague superstition, but his definition is great: Bottom line: God wants us to trust him--to trust him enough to do what he says, no matter how we feel or how certain we are that things will work out.

Faith really is all about trust: Trusting that God is who he says he is and that he'll do all that he promised to do. I love the part where he says it doesn't matter how we feel or how certain we are that things will work out.

Go buy the book. This may turn into a series some time in the future. We'll see.

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