Thursday, March 20, 2014

You're not good enough

This Sunday at Hub City I'm going to attempt the impossible. We're going to cover the entire Sermon on the Mount (minus the Beatitudes) in less than 25 minutes.

And here's what we're going to discover: Over and over again throughout the Sermon on the Mount Jesus sets a standard that is impossible for anyone to keep and expects us to keep it.
Sounds encouraging doesn't it? 

Actually, it's more than encouraging because it points us to grace. It reminds us that we can never be good enough to gain God's favor or to earn our way to heaven. It reminds us of why we need Jesus.

But does that mean we should just toss Jesus' words from his most famous sermon into file 13?

Well, I guess you'll just have to come Sunday to find out. 

See you at 10 AM at Spartan 16 Movie Theater. Bring a friend with you.

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