Monday, May 13, 2013

Two Things I Forgot To Say

I really had a lot of fun hosting/facilitating Hub City's first ever Baby/Child dedication yesterday. It was awesome having so many family members there to support their relatives. 

But there were two things that I wanted to say but forgot:

  1. The best gift that parents can give their kids is a healthy marriage. Your spouse should always come first. You'll be with your spouse long after your kids are grown. A healthy marriage promotes security and sets an example for your kids. 
  2. The best parents are teachable. I meet so many parents who are utterly unteachable. That's just another form of pride and you won't get where you want to go or have the kids you are hoping to have if you aren't teachable. Find some parents that are further down the road than you and pick their brains.
There, I said it. 

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